Blatt 3: V1DE0 GAME

Guy Montag
2 min readJan 27, 2021

Die Welt fühlt sich mehr und mehr wie ein Videospiel an. Oder kommt mir das nur so vor?

Menschen in Kostümen stürmen das Kapitol, soon-to-be-trillionaires bauen Raketen um zum Mars und sonst wohin zu fliegen. Das Internet ist nicht mehr ein Ort von Freiheit und Cypherpunks, sondern eine Mischung aus Plattformgefängnis, Influencerschmiede und AI-Advertisment.

Who would have thought that sixty years after ‘Lo’ appeared on a Stanford computer (if you know what I am talking about: congratulations on your nerdiness) VC money, programmatic advertising and Selfishness would have comprehensively fucked up society, democracy and our psyche.

The new internet culture makes anti-Semitic , sexist, racist jokes left and right, but it’s all not serious? As if language suddenly lost its power.. PewDiePie has 108 Million subscriber but wants to be ‘apolitical’ (my friend by population your channel is the 13th largest country on earth; you do not have the luxury of being apolitical), TikTok influencer is the new dream job. The stock market is so detached from all things real, that retail ‘investors’ push the Game stop stock up 700% to fuck up a hedgefund (Note: I’m not pro-hedgefund. Both the hedgefund and the retail investment are both completely insane.)

You really have to see the world as big fucking video game for such behaviour to make sense. It’s GTA 2021 but without the reload and cheats and with a lot more human suffering everywhere. This cannot be real.

We are skrewwwwwwwwwwwwwed ladies and gentleman. How do we fix it? I don’t know. (But Tiktok is definitively not the correct answer here.)

I know this is pretty unstructured, but that’s the point behind this project. 200 days, 200 expanded thoughts.

